Wednesday, November 28, 2012


My happy shack!

Some have called it my man cave but I'm not so sure. My granddaughter spends as much time down there as I do, shooting pool and "exercising" on the tread mill (mostly I think she just likes turning it on and off to see if she can keep from being thrown into the wall). And there's a washer and dryer in the corner which I seem to operate more often than the radios. The clothes line's out back. I put it up and I use it.

The revocation of my man card is to be expected at any moment.

I used to do quite a bit of blogging. All about politics and religion...and all kinds of other things that seemed to piss people off. It was interesting but way too time consuming what with the arguments and all the interlacing bloggeriness that goes along with that type of blog.

So I stopped.

I do miss the writing, though. It gives my feeble mind some little bit of needed exercise.

So I started again.

The thing is, I'm not sure if there's going to be an overarching theme this time. I used my call sign as a title so there's going to be some ham radio stuff. And the picture on the header is my boat (the green jon boat to the left side) on a beach just down river from Sand Ford Access on the Meramec River here in Missouri, so there'll be some river stuff, too. And I don't know what all else.

I'm writing this mainly for fun so I'm not really concerned if anyone reads it.

Well, there you have it. I've got other stuff to do and I'm not planning on spending that much time on this thing anyway so...gotta go.

By the way, my wife Kathy, a far better writer, and MUCH more interesting, blogs over at Moving Onto the Past. Give her a read.

Later gator.

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